Strum, Strike and Blow is an exciting amalgamation of the ChCh Marimba Festival and ChCh Uke Fest featuring over 1,500  students playing marimbas, ukuleles and recorders. 

The Festival is run by Music Education Canterbury and Christchurch Civic Music Council and is in its 12th (and 11th Festival) year and is held in the Wolfbrook Arena (formerly Christchurch Arena).

Once schools have registered they are given access to the music which will generally involve 5 individual pieces for ukuleles, recorders and marimba and a massed item for all three groups of instruments.

The music caters for all levels of experience and when performed live at the festival event, is backed by a professional band.

The music caters for all levels of experience and when performed live at the festival event, is backed by a professional band.

We run workshops for teachers and have plenty of rehearsal material available.

We have a full rehearsal on the day between 9:30am-1:15pm at the arena for all participating schools with the accompanying band.

Schools will have the opportunity to perform together in a 75 minute family-friendly concert on August 15th 2024 from 7pm-8:15pm.


I am in awe of all the magic that goes into this event. Thank you to all involved.

Loved it. Perfect balance of great music, celebration, fun and involvement. Length of concert was great.

Great to see so many children involved and my group really enjoyed the performance.

The festival is really positive and shows a real joy in music for the many kids involved. It’s a huge event that goes very smoothly on the night.

Great to see and hear our tamariki getting involved and loving their music. I love the mix of specific instrument pieces and combined orchestral style. Great for kids to learn the discipline of playing with other instruments and in a wider orchestra. A lot of fun also.

The music was appealing to both children and adults – this helped keep the children motivated. For our children the nature of the festival was spot on and accessible! We felt as though we fitted well there and the expectations were realistic.

The kids love being part of it – the chance to perform is amazing. They are so excited and are totally buzzing afterwards. As a teacher, having things to work towards makes my job easier!

“Thank you.. so much for organising and running the SSB again this year – choosing such neat music, planning the logistics, having the amazing backing band… Everything was so well done. The concert last night was an amazing standard.”

This festival is always one of our main highlights! I am very grateful for the huge amount of work that goes in beforehand and during it, to make it seamlessly easy for teachers! The music for all three instruments was brilliantly chosen and so much fun for all to learn! I love that beginners and advanced players can all be involved in this concert! My school was buzzing with excitement! Thank you very much!!

“I love having a concert to work towards as a music teacher so the SSB is fantastic with such well chosen music for the students to learn. The combination of instruments and styles of music was great. The opportunity for the students to play all together and with the backing band was amazing. The discipline of students having to concentrate, and listen was valuable. All the students who were in it last year were excited about being part of SSB and loved the experience again this year!!”

Well done on putting together the festival. I have had so many positive comments from parents in regards to last night’s performance. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

A really fun event which my students really enjoyed. They enjoyed learning the music and they all enjoyed the night. A good length concert. The band and music guests were inspiring and a great help.

This event is amazing and the children had such a wonderful experience. Thank you for all of the tips to make the songs work for a range of talents.

Thank you for all your work and effort in putting together the whole festival. It ran very smoothly and was very enjoyable to be part of. The musical experience was fantastic especially as our students had mostly never been part of that sort of thing before. Also great again that there was no major cost for seats for families!